01709 525 555 sales@rgglass.co.uk

Split & Resealed Glazing Repair

Splitting and re-sealing double glazed units is a service we offer customers when they need to keep the original design of the glass, be it leaded, coloured or bevelled. This is done when these units need to match existing units that may not have failed.

Our qualified glaziers can remove your units and temporary glaze your windows before bringing them back to our factory to have them split, cleaned and re-sealed. Alternatively you can bring the double glazed unit to our factory and we can usually turn these around the same day when possible.

Splitting a double glazed unit is usually, only done when the double glazed unit is beveled or leaded and needs to be matched with other double glazed units within a property.

Taylors Lane, Rotherham, S62 6EE
01709 525 555


Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.30pm
Saturday 8.00am – 12.30pm
Sunday Closed