01709 525 555 sales@rgglass.co.uk

Solar & Safety Film for Glass

Window films can be used to combat a wide variety of glass related issues, and we supply and fit a comprehensive range. Solar films to avoid excess heat, safety and security films for added protection, privacy films and frosted window films are all available in a range of finishes and grades.

Some advantages of applying films to glass

. Energy Savings
. Enhanced Privacy
. Prevents Sun Damage
. Eliminates waste materials ( frame and glass going to landfills )
. Boosts Security
. Can be used on most glass surfaces including double glazed units

Taylors Lane, Rotherham, S62 6EE
01709 525 555


Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm
Saturday 8.00am – 12.30pm
Sunday Closed

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