01709 525 555 sales@rgglass.co.uk

Domestic Mirrors

Bespoke Mirrors Made To Order

We can create custom made mirrors to put a superb finishing touch to your home, cutting to most shapes and sizes.

We also provide an installation service to anyone who would rather “let the professionals do it” or if you prefer to do it yourself, we can advise on the best ways without getting the dreaded 7 years bad luck.

Some features of our mirrors:

Cut to size.

4mm & 6mm thickness Polished edges Fixing holes and dome head screws Safety backed if required. Bronze and Grey tint available. Mirror adhesive, Bevelled edge up to 30mm for that extra level of attractiveness to the finish.

We can cater for just about any mirror for the home and as a specialist glazing company with many years’ experience we are experts in cutting glass for any mirror, any size and any frame and we can also cater for bigger bespoke jobs.
We do not sell frames, but for replacement mirrors that have broken we pride ourselves on providing the best service in the area at the best rates and our mirrors include:

Mantle Mirrors
Oval & Circle Mirrors
Freestanding Mirrors
Bathroom Mirrors – Large or Small
Ornate Mirrors
Hallway Mirrors

Call us now on 01709 525555 for a free no obligation quote

Taylors Lane, Rotherham, S62 6EE
01709 525 555


Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.30pm
Saturday 8.00am – 12.30pm
Sunday Closed